Products / Temperature Measurement / Thermocouple Sensors & Assemblies

PPL10-T Air temperature sensor
The PPL10-T has been designed for wall mounting and to measure the air temperature without interferance from wind, rain and other environmental factors owing to the shroud that is used around the sensor sheath. Optional in head temperature transmitter can be fitted to provide a 4-20mA output.
Our PPL10 sensor is a rugged sensor suitable for measuring air temperature outdoors or in arduous applications. The sensor has a 316 stainless steel sheath that can be supplied with or without a protective shroud which does not affect sensor performance. The sensor is fitted with a variety of surface mounting terminal housing rated at least IP66 in which we can fit either a terminal block or transmitter. Various common options are shown on this data sheet but this is not an exhaustive list, please contact us with your requirements. Calibration is also available upon request.

PPL7-T RJT thermocouple probe with terminal housing
The PPL7-T is a thermocouple temperature probe with a RJT process connection and aluminimum terminal housing. The device can be fitted with a variety of thermocouple types and the terminal housing can have either ceramic terminal block or an inhead temperature transmitter.
Using an industry standard RJT connection, our PPL7 sensor is suitable for use in many hygienic processes including dairy, brewery and pharmaceutical applications. We can manufacture the sensor stem in various diameters and lengths to meet your exact requirements and with various options available for the terminal head, including IP68 stainless steel versions, we are sure to satisfy all of your requirements. All welds are carefully performed to ensure they are continuous and crevice free.

PPL6-T Tri-Clamp thermocouple probe with terminal housing
The PPL6-T is a thermocouple assembly in a stainless steel sheath and a terminal housing for the electrical connection. The Process conenction has been designed to fit the conventional industry standard tri-clamp hygenic fittings and have various options of probe lentgh and diameter.
Using an industry standard Tri-clamp connection, our PPL6 sensor is suitable for use in many hygienic processes including dairy, brewery and pharmaceutical applications. We can manufacture the sensor stem in various diameters and lengths to meet your exact requirements and with various options available for the terminal head, including IP68 stainless steel versions, we are sure to satisfy all of your requirements. All welds are carefully performed to ensure they are continuous and crevice free.

PPL5-T Extension thermocouple assembly with terminal housing
The PPL5-T is the same device as the PPL4 above but with a extension between the Threaded part and the terminal housing. This is useful if the media temperature is high and there is a risk that the terminal housing will be exposed to high temperaturs also. The extension enables the temperature to be reduced at the point of the housing.
Our PPL5 sensor has a fixed male process connection thread plus a lagging extension beneath a terminal head giving the user the ability to screw the sensor directly into a process or thermowell without the need for a compression fitting. The lagging extension allows the terminal head to be mounted away from the process in order to protect any electronics housed within it or to allow the head to sit above any insulation. We can manufacture the sensor stem to your own diameter and length requirements and we have plenty of options available for the sensor and terminal head.

PPL4-T Threaded thermocouple assembly with terminal housing
The PLL4-T is the same principle and construction as the PPL3-T but has a thread fixed tot he sheath for ease of mounting to a thermowell of direct to the process. The termional housing enables customers to fit their own cable and ease of connection the ceramic terminal block or in head temperature transmitter.
Our PPL4 sensor has a fixed male process connection thread supplied directly beneath a terminal head giving the user the ability to screw the sensor directly into the process or a thermowell without the need for a compression fitting. The sensor is useful where there are space constraints and where a lagging extension is impractical. We can manufacture the sensor stem to your own diameter and length requirements and we have plenty of options available for the sensor and terminal head.

PPL3-T Insertion Thermocouple with terminal housing
The PPL3-T is a simple insertion temperature probe but fitted with aaluminium terminal housing. this enables fitting of either a ceramic terminal block or in head temperature transmitter. All types of thermocouples can be used within this assembly.
Sensor Type: Type J, K or T thermocouple. Insulated or Grounded hot junction
Output: Thermocouple
Temperature Range: based on thermocouple specification
Operating Temperature: -50 up to 250°C
Electrical Connection: Terminal Housing
Process Connection: None, insertion
Probe Diameter: 3mm up to 15mm
Probe length: To customer requirements
IP Rating: IP67
Optional Extra’s:
Customer specific sensor type, type of terminal housing, in-head temperature transmitter

PPL2-T Threaded Thermocouple temperature probe
The PPL2-T is a simple thermocouple assembly which can be supplied with a selection of threaded connections either directly into the media or via a thermowell. Any type of thermocouple can be used in thisaseembly and a variety of cable types are availabel also.
Sensor Type: Type J, K or T thermocouple. Insulated or Grounded hot junction
Output: Thermocouple
Temperature Range: based on thermocouple specification
Operating Temperature: -75 up to 350°C
Electrical Connection: Cable
Process Connection: 1/4″, 1/2″, 3/4″ and 1″ BSP, BSPT and NPT
Probe Diameter: 3mm up to 15mm (depends on process connection)
Probe length: To customer requirements
IP Rating: IP65 minimum, up to IP68 optional
Optional Extra’s:
Customer specific sensor type, cable type & sheath, electrical termination, customer specific connectors

PPL1-T Insertion thermocouple temperature probe
The PPL1-T is a basic insertion probe that can be used in conjunction with a compression fitting or rubber bung. The PPL1-T can be fitted with any type of thermocouple and manufactured in a range of sheath diameters and lengths and cable material types for differenttemeprature applications.
Sensor Type: Type J, K or T thermocouple. Insulated or Grounded hot junction
Output: Thermocouple
Temperature Range: based on thermocouple specification
Operating Temperature: -75 up to 350°C
Electrical Connection: Cable
Process Connection: None, insertion
Probe Diameter: 3mm up to 15mm
Probe length: To customer requirements
IP Rating: IP65 minimum, up to IP68 optional
Optional Extra’s:
Customer specific sensor type, cable type & sheath, electrical termination, customer specific connectors